Do Your Teeth Hurt After Getting Braces Off?

The day has come — you’re finally getting your braces removed! You’re done with years of dealing with wires, brackets, and food restrictions. But even more importantly, you’re done with pain. Or are you? Do your teeth hurt after getting braces off? Don’t panic just yet. We’ll walk through what to expect once those brackets are gone and explore a plan to keep your teeth feeling their best.

Why Do My Teeth Hurt After Getting Braces Off?

What makes teeth hurt after getting braces off?

After your orthodontist takes your braces off, your teeth may feel sore for a few different reasons.


Throughout your treatment, your orthodontics have gradually moved your teeth into their proper positions by applying constant pressure to the teeth, alveolar bone (the part of the jawbone that forms the tooth sockets), and ligaments. Removing braces can temporarily disrupt the balance your mouth has gotten used to. This shift in support can lead to mild discomfort, especially when you chew or bite down. It can even make your teeth feel slightly loose as they settle into their new alignment.

Furthermore, if your orthodontist fits you with a retainer right after they remove your braces, the pressure from the retainer can contribute to some of the initial soreness.


It’s also common to have swollen gums with braces. As your gums go through the adjustment period, they may feel tender as they adapt to the absence of brackets and wires. They will start to heal and adjust once your braces are removed, but they may remain tender for a short time, which can also increase discomfort in the surrounding teeth.


Sensitivity after getting braces off is also a common experience, and a lot of it relates to enamel exposure. The brackets partially cover the surfaces of your teeth, and in some cases, they can cause the enamel underneath to lose essential minerals, primarily calcium and potassium. After your braces come off, those surfaces become more exposed, and temperature changes or certain foods and drinks can cause discomfort.

How Long Do Teeth Hurt After Getting Braces Off?

Most people report that the mild discomfort they felt when their braces came off lasted only a few days to a week. The pain you feel from the sudden release of pressure from the braces will pass as the ligaments that attach your teeth to the bone undergo a process called “creeping substitution.” Certain cells absorb old bone and form new bone that provides more support and slowly reduces discomfort.

The sensitivity you experience due to enamel exposure should also quickly fade as saliva comes back into contact with the demineralized areas. Saliva is rich in calcium and phosphate ions, and it helps form a protein-rich layer that sticks to the tooth surface, protecting it from acids. Both of these factors help new mineral deposits strengthen your tooth enamel, decreasing sensitivity.

Do Braces Hurt When You Get Them Off?

The process of removing braces is straightforward and doesn’t cause significant pain. However, some mild discomfort typical of any dental procedure is possible.

Orthodontists use special pliers to gently detach the brackets, which can cause a slight sensation of pressure but doesn’t normally hurt. Then, they use instruments to carefully scrape off any remaining dental cement and polish your teeth to restore their smooth texture. You might feel some minor vibrations, but it’s generally a comfortable process.

However, some pre-existing dental conditions, such as inflamed gums or untreated cavities, can cause additional discomfort while your braces come off. Choosing a certified, experienced orthodontist from the beginning is also very important, as poor techniques can cause painful damage to the tooth enamel.

Is It Normal for My Retainer To Hurt, Too?

It’s normal to experience some soreness when you start wearing a retainer. Retainers apply gentle pressure to your teeth to keep them in their new positions, and as your teeth naturally try to move back to where they were, this pressure can cause some discomfort.

This soreness from the retainer should pass within a week. Consistently wearing your retainer should help reduce the adjustment period. In some cases, wearing your retainer can actually relieve the discomfort after removing braces by stabilizing your teeth and preventing unwanted movements that could cause pain.

What Can I Do To Relieve Pain After Getting Braces Off?

What foods can help with pain after getting braces off?

Several strategies can help it so your teeth don’t hurt as much after getting braces off:

  • Take non-prescription medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help manage any soreness.
  • Gently rinse your mouth with warm saltwater to soothe gum tissues and reduce inflammation.
  • Eat soft foods such as scrambled eggs, yogurt, and smoothies to minimize pressure on sensitive teeth and gums during the adjustment period.
  • Use toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth to help reduce soreness by blocking pathways to the tooth nerves.

Finally, maintain good oral hygiene by brushing gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush and flossing carefully to keep your teeth and gums healthy without causing additional irritation.

Should I Tell My Orthodontist My Teeth Hurt After Removing Braces?

You don’t need to contact your orthodontist if you’re experiencing the kind of routine discomfort we’ve already described right after getting your braces off. 

However, if you experience severe pain or discomfort that lasts longer than a week, it’s important to contact your orthodontist right away. You could be experiencing gum injury or enamel damage from having your braces removed. Or your teeth may have shifted slightly, causing your bite to feel misaligned.

You should also tell your orthodontist immediately if you have significant swelling, bleeding, or a fever because it’s possible to develop an infection after the procedure. In addition, if you experience significant or persistent pain while wearing your retainer, it might not fit properly and need adjusting.

What To Do When Your Teeth Hurt After Getting Braces Off

If your teeth hurt after getting braces off, relax — it’s normal. Take OTC pain medication and eat some mashed potatoes (if you’re not sick of them already) while you wait for the discomfort to pass in a few days. Remember, however, it’s important to contact us at Peterson Family Orthodontics if your teeth still hurt after a couple of weeks or if the pain feels severe. We’re here to help!