You may have heard about the complications that can stem from impacted teeth. But what are impacted teeth? Impacted teeth are a common dental issue that occurs when a tooth fails to fully emerge into the mouth. This condition can lead to a variety of issues, especially if left untreated. Here’s what you need to know about impacted teeth.
Understanding What Impacted Teeth Are
Impacted teeth occur when a tooth is blocked from erupting into the mouth by another tooth, bone or soft tissue. The process of a tooth becoming impacted often begins in adolescence when the final set of molars starts to develop. In some cases, the teeth are unable to emerge properly, leading to impaction.
Causes of Impacted Teeth
There are several factors that can lead to impacted teeth. One of the most common causes is overcrowding in the mouth. If there isn’t enough space for the tooth to emerge, it may become trapped beneath the gum or against another tooth.
Another cause of impacted teeth is abnormal growth. Sometimes, a tooth may grow at an angle, which prevents it from coming in normally. This abnormal alignment can cause the tooth to push against neighboring teeth, leading to impaction.
Genetics can also play a role in whether or not a person develops impacted teeth. Those who inherit a smaller jaw structure or have a family history of impacted teeth may be more prone to this condition.
Symptoms of Impacted Teeth
The most common symptom is pain, which is often felt at the back of the mouth or in the jaw. This discomfort can be constant or intermittent, depending on the severity of the impaction.
Swelling and redness around the gum where the tooth is impacted are also common. In some cases, the gum may become tender to the touch, and it may be difficult to open the mouth fully. This can lead to difficulties with chewing and speaking.
Potential Complications of Impacted Teeth
If left untreated, impacted teeth can lead to several complications. One of the most concerning is the risk of infection. Because impacted teeth are often difficult to clean properly, they can become breeding grounds for bacteria, leading to infections in the gums or jaw.
In rare cases, impacted teeth can cause cysts or tumors to form around the affected area. These growths can damage surrounding bone and teeth, sometimes requiring surgical removal.
Another potential complication is damage to adjacent teeth. The pressure from an impacted tooth can cause the neighboring teeth to shift or become damaged. This can lead to misalignment and may require orthodontic treatment to correct.
Treatment Options for Impacted Teeth

In some situations, the best solution may be surgical removal of the tooth that is causing pain. In other situations, orthodontic treatment can guide the impacted tooth into its proper position. Your orthodontist can help you identify the best treatment option for your particular case.
Impacted Teeth Need the Right Care
Impacted teeth are a common dental concern that can lead to discomfort and potential complications if not addressed. If you suspect that you or a family member may have an impacted tooth, contact us at Peterson Family Orthodontics for a free consultation. Our team is committed to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams.